The Legacy Society

Angels’ Place Legacy Society

Leave a Legacy, Change a Life

Angels’ Place Legacy Society was founded as a result of our commitment to protecting, sustaining, and providing for life. We formed the Angels' Place Legacy Society in 2006 to support the long-term goals of Angels' Place, which include taking care of our residents at all stages of their lives, acting as their family when their family of origin cannot, and meeting all their needs.

We are so grateful for the continuous support from our benefactors, and the Legacy Society is a special way to support our mission, leave a legacy, and change a life. By adding Angels' Place in your estate plans as a part of your own legacy, you can help ensure that the family we have created for our residents will endure.  

A planned gift to Angels’ Place in your will or estate arrangements is a beautiful way to continue your legacy of giving and supporting those we care for. All Legacy Society Members receive a membership pin and an invitation to our annual membership event to share in this unique mission. 

Your once-in-a-lifetime contribution will change a life!
Download a Legacy Gift Intent Form
A Legacy Story
A smiling woman with blonde hair and a white cardigan stands with her arms around two women in wheelchairs. The woman on the left has white hair and a beige sweater in and the woman on the right has short black hair and a light pink jacket on.
Mary Ann McKeon was born in Quincy, Illinois to Charles and Margaret Johannes on November 18, 1947. Mary had one sweet Elvis-loving sister, Martha, who was both physically and mentally disabled and 9 years older than her. From a very young age, Mary lovingly helped care for her sister, Martha. Mary was always protective and thoughtful toward her older sister. For example, she really wanted to take ballet lessons as a little girl, but never did because she didn't want Martha to be sad that her own legs didn't work.
Mary later went to Marquette to pursue a degree in teaching because she loved working with children. After teaching, Mary moved to Washington D.C. for a new adventure to work with Senator Adlai Stevenson's office. After a few years in D.C., she met her future husband, David. Most of their marriage Mary cared for her husband in his failing health, and she did so with well-practiced patience and compassion.
Mary and David had one daughter born at the end of 1980, Catherine Mary. Mary was the most loving, patient, kind, and adoring mother to her percious daughter. She was always the Room Mom at school, she taught at least one, if not two CCD classes at a time, and volunteered for everything at church.
Her daughter Cate shares, "One of the countless reasons to love and admire my mom is that she would always stand up for and help the less fortunate. She would invite those who didn't have a place for holidays to her home, she would offer to help the mom at the grocery store with the misbehaving child, she would give money to a friend anonymously, she would stand by the friend who lost her mother long after everyone else had forgotten. Most importantly, mom always loved caring for her sister, Martha.".
When Mary's parents were aging and struggled to take care of Martha, she moved Martha to her own home and cared for her. The moment Mary heard about Angels' Place, she put Martha on a waiting list to live in one of their wonderful homes. Martha moved into the Webster home in 2003.
Martha loved Elvis and listened to his music all day. She used her wheelchair tray as a place to match and fold the socks for her roommates at Webster. She took a lot of pride in having her own special chore, which she adored completing.
Mary loved visiting her sister and all of the ladies at Webster Home. Mary started organizing parties and activities for the ladies. She became famous among Angels' Place residents for leading the BINGO parties with the best prizes. All of Martha's roommates also loved Mary. Mary would bend down, look into their eyes, and give them time and love. Martha became more ill in the next year and Mary visited and sang to her every day. Martha passes away in December of 2004.
Long after Martha passed away, Mary was still supportive of Angels' Place. She continued to give special attention to the Webster ladies and continued her famous BINGO games. She shared what she had learned in a lifetime of supporting and loving her sister Martha at a retreat she directed for Angels' Place caregivers at Manresa. Staff still recall Mary's gentle lessons of providing joyful service to the residents of Angels' Place.
Mary's deeply loving, always helping, grace-filled, gentle, generous presence is recalled among the Angels' Place community as an admirable example of living ministry. She is fondly remembered for leading with love to help those less fortunate and for continually drawing others close to Christ in her presence.

Carry On The Angels’ Place Mission

How to make a legacy gift

Beneficiary designation is the easiest way to make an estate gift. Simply call your provider to make the necessary changes or to add Angels' Place to your beneficiary designation form, and you can designate Angels' Place as a beneficiary. 

That's it! You have just included a gift to Angels' Place in your estate.  

Another option is including a gift to Angels’ Place in your will. You can choose to bequest a dollar amount, a percentage, or the reminder of your estate after your family obligations have been met.  

Both gift options are revocable and provide you with lifetime access to your assets.
Additional Planned Giving Opportunities

Angels place is here to help

It is important to work with a financial advisor or attorney who has expertise in establishing the appropriate estate plan to meet your family's unique requirements. If you have any questions or want to know more, please contact our Director of Development, Barbara Urbiel, 248-350-2203.
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Hearts Inspiring, Hands Serving, Homes Enduring Since 1992
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